Rose Tenderness and Purity Restoration

Rose Tenderness and Purity Restoration – this picture helps preserve youth, as well as adds attractiveness and tenderness.
Rose Tenderness and Purity Restoration – this picture helps preserve youth, as well as adds attractiveness and tenderness.
Money Monetary Tree – This wonderful picture helps to harmonize everything that is connected with your financial sphere. Harmonize wages and incomes, distribution of time and schedule of the day
The infinity and wisdom of the Ocean of the human Soul reminds man how deep and wise his soul is, you learn to find the most complex answers precisely in the infinite wisdom of your soul.
The energy of maternal protection – harmonizes the relationship between mother and child, helps to feel the joy of motherhood, remembering this and the miracle – to be a mother. And children should be more grateful for maternal Love.
The divinity of women’s nature – helps women feel their true femininity and feminine power, become sexier and more attractive.
Pulsation of Life Force – helps to open the personal energy level of a person that gives physical strength and energy.
Creating Silk Dreams – helps to remember and understand your real dreams, which in fact the heart strives and does not betray them, then they will definitely be accomplished.
Awakening of tenderness – reminds you how important it is to meet the one with whom you are connected by heart. Helps to unite your life with a really native person. And if you already live with such a person, but for some reason your relationship has lost romantic tenderness, then the picture helps to turn it back.
Acrylic and Glitter.
A vivid picture of a good mood.
Suitable for any interior.
But according to Feng Shui, it especially harmonizes the space above the dining table. Сarries energy of well-being and joy.
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